Monday, April 23, 2018

Health "Care"

       Health care has turned into a commodity rather than a standard right for all people (see video here). This is partially due to our political ideology as well as the rising greed of large corporations or “big pharmas.” These big pharmas are infamous in the health care industry for jacking up prices and taking advantage of patients. They know that their patients are often in desperate need of the medications and won’t be able to survive without them, allowing them to manipulate prices however they see fit. Even if they don’t have a monopoly of the industry, prices still remain high once other firms join the market. In the book, An American Sickness by Elisabeth Rosenthal, a women named Mrs. Marcus realized that as her medication was sold to a new manufacturer, it actually increased in price. A competitive market for this product, which would foster lower prices, is prevented by the fact that it is a necessity so they can charge whatever they please. Those who are unable to pay that fee either have to turn to the black market or attempt to survive without it.
Patient at an insane asylum in the Virgin Islands, 1941

       This corporate greed can also be applied to the unequal treatment of those in need of medical attention. Although this problem is not as prevalent as it used to be, it is still present in our society. Those with mental illnesses do not receive proper treatment in the health care sphere as well as other areas of public service. In the 1900’s treatment of the mentally ill reached its all time low in asylums where they were chained up and kept in cold, dark rooms. The book No One Cares About Crazy People, is exactly what it sounds like. It includes an in depth analysis about the mistreatment and ignorance in regards to the mentally ill. Rather than create better institutions for the mentally ill, today’s law enforcement prefers to just throw them into jail because of extra costs and time consumption that the correct treatment would accrue.


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  1. Nice choice of words. I would like to say what a fantastic way to put it, many people would like to receive affordable and helpful health care but when it actually comes down to it, the marketplace where many drugs are prescribed are run by big businesses which don't care for the people they serve. Maybe one day when words like these are well known something might change, only time will tell.

  2. Wow, I never noticed that when it comes to health care doctors can jack up their prices and I like how it said its a human right to get healthcare. In reality we get medications that we might not really need so its important that we try and look deeper into this.

  3. Big pharma is corrupt and stealing from millions in need. Why find a cure for a disease when you can medicate someone with a vaccine or medicine they need to survive from whatever they have. More money for the doctors and big pharmaceutical corporations and the patient is happy they are surviving. Maybe more funding should go into better treatment for the mentally ill rather than these prisons and asylums they lock them in and treat them terribly.

  4. It is incredibly frustrating that this is happening and it seems like people aren't talking about this problem enough. Many people assume that treatment for the mentally ill is a lot better these days when it isn't. It is not right the way they are being treated and the way that pharmacies are charging such high prices for medicine. We need people all around the world to start advocating to make change in the healthcare industry.

  5. Not many families can afford health care therefore they cant receive the proper treatments and the correct medications. These big companies are corrupt and arent interested in your health but rather the millions they will be making.

  6. I have heard a lot about healthcare all around me growing up, and as a person coming from a low income family, it has directly affected me as well. An interesting topic that this reminded me of is of Martin Shkreli, who had raised drug priced from $13.50 to $750, and how he was arrested for security fraud afterwards. I'd like to see more about this topic in general, as well as any other direction this goes.

  7. I have seen my parents talk so much about the health care and how they don't do what they had told them at first. Its like a race to see who get the most people on their system. Its seems very stupid that people use the patience's illness to get money out of it. Instead it should be the other way around, the companies giving money to those who need it. It wont change until one heath care company takes action first.

  8. This is terrible, and this is just the epitome of what is wrong with the world. Mistreating the mentally ill is quite honestly despicable and absolutely reprehensible. I had no idea, and I believe that this message needs much more exposure. You guys are doing the right thing putting this in the lime light.

  9. Crazy how much control how much your gonna pay for your treatment.I fell tratments should be at a base price depending on the treatment. Id like to learn more about this topic to ensure our fututre is healthy.


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